About Me:
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Nancye Gray
Born a "sensitive", Nancye Gray has devoted her career to helping others as an astrologer, counselor, business consultant and intuitive life coach. She began her life-long study of astrology at age 13 and for the past 25+ years has developed her international consulting business with clients spanning the United States, Great Britain, India, Europe and Japan. Using astrology as a basis for timing of events, her clairvoyant messages combined with logic help her guide clients making decisions for life changes and attaining their goals.

Astrological Readings
Astrology is an ancient mathematical study of the planets and their vibrational influence over this world. Your free will and intuition is guided by the astrological influences from your Natal (birth) Chart as well as the transits of planets on a daily basis. When making choices for the best times to sign documents, begin a businesses or marriage, or even decide what days are best for travel, your astrological chart along with an Election chart for a specific date in the future will help promote the sucess of the endeavor.
Hypnosis Sessions
Nancye's goal is to help you achieve balance emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. Weight Loss and Stop Smoking Hypnosis Sessions with Nancye allow you to change the physical response and emotional habits which are sabotaging your life. Sessions and workshops generally last 2 hours and can help you eliminate overeating, enhance weight loss goals, quit smoking, address fears, and change beliefs and patterns that are inconsistent with your desired health and well being.
Schedule Your Consultation
Astrological-Intuitive readings with Nancye give insight into questions you have about your career, love-life and relationships, and general health issues. Her readings reveal timing of future possibilities and provide guidance with a grounded realistic viewpoint. Hypnosis sessions can help you get over past traumas, initiate change of habit patterns, and enhance confidence to deal with challenges emotionally and physically.