Feng Shui
The Chinese Art of Placement
Feng Shui literally means "Wind and Water". The Chinese believe that if you site your home in the right location and direction, you would have a life of happiness and wealth. Feng Shui is also a term for the proper placement of furniture in each room of your home. Changing elements in your home creates a new pathway for energy (ch'i) to move easily throughout assuring a clearer path for your desires to unfold and come into your reality.
Clearing clutter is an important part of Feng Shui. Clutter of any kind should be swept away, given away or at the very least boxed and labeled. Clutter is anything that is no longer needed, useful or fits into the client's life style or represents the client's present outlook. One feels a tremendous sense of release once the home is free of items that are no longer necessary.
The correct use of color can create beneficial ch'i. Red has always been regarded as the color of good fortune and prosperity. Gold and green are also considered fortunate colors. Gold represents the sun and attracts success. Green symbolizes rebirth and new growth. Yellow is associated with learning and intuition. Blue symbolizes thoughfulness and consideration for others. Violet relates to truth and spiritual growth.
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